Approved by Dr. Sunil
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Short answer
Jolly Ranchers Hard Candies are not only bad for your teeth but are loaded with sugars, dangerous artificial colors and have no nutritional value.
Recommended Alternative
Letter Grade for Jolly Ranchers
Category 'F' is for things that fail to bring anything beneficial to the table, and are very harmful to your health. We recommend completely avoiding anything in this category. Long-term side effects of 'F' items are usually very serious.
View Full Grading System
Category 'A'
Very healthy and numerous health benefits. Side effects are rare. Things rated an 'A+' are typically necessary for survival (for example, water).
Very healthy and numerous health benefits. A few harmful qualities may be associated, but only under certain circumstances such as an allergic reaction.
Very healthy and numerous health benefits. Harmful qualities may be associated, but aren't usually serious.
It is important to note that even the best things in life can become bad in immoderate amounts. So, although something may be rated an 'A+', overconsumption/overdoing can bring unwanted effects.
Category 'B'
Very beneficial to your health. Things rated a 'B+' may have a few harmful qualities to pay attention to.
Overall beneficial to your health. Things rated a 'B' may have some harmful qualities to pay attention to.
More beneficial to your health than not. However, harmful qualities are most likely associated and shouldn't be overlooked.
The main difference between category 'A' and category 'B' is the harmful qualities typically present in 'B' items. Serious side effects are usually uncommon, but are still possible and should be taken note of.
Category 'C'
Both beneficial and harmful qualities associated. Things rated a 'C+' are typically a bit more on the beneficial side. Still, moderation is important.
A fairly even ratio of beneficial and harmful qualities. Moderation is important. Very general topics that can lean towards both sides of the spectrum will be placed here as well. Rice, for example, can be good or bad depending on the type.
More harmful than beneficial. Side effects are common, especially when consumed/done excessively. Moderation is very important.
Category 'C' usually denotes to both good and bad qualities. When it comes to this category, it is important to keep this word in mind: moderation.
Category 'D'
Harmful to your health. Although benefits may be associated, the bad most likely outweighs the good. Moderation is very important.
Harmful to your health. A few benefits may be associated, but the bad outweighs the good. Moderation is extremely important.
Harmful to your health. Very few, if any, benefits are present. Things in this category should be avoided as much as possible.
Category 'D' is typically for things that are more harmful than beneficial. While consuming/doing something unhealthy once in a blue moon shouldn't hurt, we definitely recommend eliminating 'D' items as a regular part of your routine/diet.
Category 'F'
Category 'F' is for things that fail to bring anything beneficial to the table, and are very harmful to your health. We recommend completely avoiding anything in this category. Long-term side effects of 'F' items are usually very serious.
Category 'N'
'N' stands for neutral. Things placed into this category are generally (a) neither good nor bad for you, or (b) lack the necessary evidence to reach any conclusions.
Long answer
Jolly Ranchers Hard Candies are laden with corn syrup and sugar making them an issue with elevating glucose levels in the blood stream. They are basically just sugar cubes that contain no fat, no protein, no fiber, no vitamins or minerals. This is certainly not an appropriate snack for a diabetic. Ingesting high sugar containing snacks can predispose to insulin resistance, elevated blood glucose levels and resultant metabolic syndrome. This syndrome is directly linked to intra-abdominal fat that holds on to toxins. This can lead to type 2 diabetes, elevated blood lipids, cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. Metabolic syndrome has become epidemic in North America and now becoming more prevalent in other countries.
The additional concerning ingredients in these sugar candies are all of the artificial flavors and artificial colors. These include artificial colors Red 40, Blue 1, Yellow 5 and Yellow 6. The candies look attractive and are very flavorful but the health risks are becoming clearer. The biggest controversies surrounding artificial dyes relate to their effects on children. Research has pointed to behavioral changes in children after consuming food dyes, with the highest concerns being red and yellow dyes. The problem is generally a type of food allergy that manifests itself through hyperactivity, lack of concentration, and poor judgment. These effects are significantly increased in children with Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD & ADHD). Researchers have found a strong correlation with allergic reactions and dyes Blue 1, Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6. Yellow 5 is currently under investigation for possible removal from the FDA approved dye list. On the packaging of Jolly Ranchers it has the statement-“Jolly Rancher Hard Candiesare not allergen free.”
“Natural flavors” may not come from natural sources at all. Many may start from natural fruits and vegetable sources but usually end up in a manufacturing facility that adds synthetic chemical ingredients.
Malic acid is another ingredient in Jolly Ranchers. Malic acid is commonly found in hard candies, gum, fruit butters, jams, jellies and ice cream. Something to keep in mind is that malic acid usually comes from fruits and vegetables, mostly apples, and itisan acid. It’s more acidic than citric acid (from lemons), ascorbic acid or vitamin C. Acids can damage tooth enamel because of their low PH level.
Other malic acids come from synthetic sources and are popular ingredients in gum and hard candy. It is not clear if the malic acid in Jolly Ranchers is synthetic or natural but either way when you hold the candy in your mouth the acid can start to destroy your tooth enamel and lead to cavities.
There are so many other great choices when you are craving something sweet-organic fruits being the wise choice. There are also several organic candies available today.If you are going to have a Jolly Rancher, do not make it a regular habit.
Possible short-term side effects
- elevated blood sugar
- hyperactivity-especially in children
- acute allergic reaction
- headache
- cracked tooth
Possible long-term side effects
- elevated blood sugar
- insulin resistance
- tooth decay
- weight gain
Ingredients to be aware of
- corn syrup
- sugar
- artificial dyes-blue 1, red 40, yellow 5, and yellow 6
- "natural flavors"
- malic acid
- none
Healthier alternatives
- organicruit
- organic candies
Our Wellness Pick (what is this?)
YumEarth Fruit Snacks
- Organic ingredients
- Allergen-friendly
- No artificial dyes
- Vegan formula
- Non-GMO verified
Thank you for your feedback!
Written by Dr. Becky Maes
Published on: 03-06-2018
Last updated: 12-15-2023
Thank you for your feedback!
Written by Dr. Becky Maes
Published on: 03-06-2018
Last updated: 12-15-2023